Motivation Monday
7:00 AM
Never 👏🏼 Settle 👏🏼 For 👏🏼 Less 👏🏼 Than 👏🏼 Your 👏🏼 Worth 👏🏼
All too often we settle. We settle for a crappy job. We settle by dealing with a terrible boss. We settle by taking less of a salary than we think we deserve.
I’m here to tell you to knock that shit off! You KNOW your worth.
That inner voice that is telling you that you don’t deserve the crap you are dealt — start listening to it. Stop settling!
The first way to bust through the life you have “settled” into is to first become uncomfortable and to stop staying in your comfort zone.
Sure it is comfortable being just like everybody else in that job you dislike, but I am here to tell you that you can follow your passion, AND make money from doing it.
All you have to do is take that one big scary step and DO SOMETHING! Stop letting the fear of the unknown dictate your future and strong arm you into a job or life that you hate!