Morning Routine

11:00 AM

Who else has daily routine they complete to better themselves every morning? I always find that being consistent in your practice helps you so much in your personal life, as well as in business.

It also helps when you are someone like myself who works from home, and it helps keep myself on track instead of doing laundry, cleaning, or finding something else to occupy my time -- which when you're at home, that is pretty easy to do.

The things I do every morning are as follows:

▪️ Visualization
▪️ Gratitude journaling
▪️ Affirmations
▪️ Pull a tarot card for guidance on what I should focus on
▪️ Meditation

Visualization is the first thing I do when I wake up. I am not your average "jump out of bed" person. I like to lay there in those soft blankets, cuddling with my cat and basking in that warm fluffy moment, and during that time is when I practice visualization. I visualize my life and where I am headed. 
Every morning it is something different, and every morning is a new experience. There is one morning  in particular where I focused on my future life, and I saw my unborn son. That was probably the most profound moment of my life and I instantly started crying. 
I saw what he looked like and he was playing with his dad, he was chasing him around the yard. I still can close my eyes and see that moment in my head right down to the tiniest of details. To some that may sound completely nuts, but do you know what is even crazier? When you have those deja vu moments and feel like you have seen what you experienced before. Then you pause for a second and realize that you have.
I am a firm believer that we are our own manifestors and creators of our universe. Our minds and subconscious have more power than we sometimes believe. Trust in yourself!
Gratitude journaling is probably the easiest practice to start as I think it is the simplest task on this list. Every day I write in my little spiral bound notebook what I am grateful for. I think of 10 things, which can be anything. 
Some days when I am a bit stuck and not in the best of spirits, I think of little things -- things we all take advantage of easily. Food, shelter, being able to walk, my eyesight, good weather, etc etc. If I am really struggling I will write down 5 things, and then write down more later, by leaving my notebook open in an area I am in frequently if something else comes to mind.
Once you start this practice you will find how easy it is and how much more grateful you are in every day life. Smaller and simpler things in life tend to come to the surface more, as you are telling your subconscious to focus on the POSITIVE versus the NEGATIVE. It really is amazing how this works.
Affirmations is also something I really enjoy doing, because at first lets be honest -- I didn't believe in most of them when I was saying them, but can be counterproductive. A trick I found was to be excited every time I said them, like it was the first time they literally came true. I felt the feelings of being excited and happy and even liberated. Once I started to implement the positive FEELINGS into my affirmations that is when the magic really started to happen.
Drawing a tarot card for myself for guidance every morning is really helpful tool as well. I ask my divine guidance to help me in picking a card from my deck, and ask, "What should I focus on today?" Lately when I have done this I have noticed a trend -- I will check my daily horoscope (hello, known astrology addict here) and the card I have drawn is on point. Pretty cool how it works out like that.
And last but I feel the most important is my daily meditation practice. Some days I don't get more than 10 minutes in, but when I can sit and just BE for a half hour or more is when the magic really happens. I feel more grounded and at peace. I used to have major anxiety problems in the past where I would have panic attacks quite often, it wasn't until I found meditation and really started to be consistent with my practice to where they calmed down, and now they are non-existent.
Little by little we chug along on this train of life, and sometimes the smallest changes we make, seem to have the biggest impact.
Namaste my friends.

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